cyclones in bangladesh
cyclones in bangladesh
cyclones in bangladesh

Cyclones in Bangladesh
Introduction: Bangladesh is very prone to natural disaters. Every year, she si affected by various common natural disaters like cyclones, floods, tidal, droughts etc. Among all these atmospheric disturbances, cyclone is he most destructive one. In recent times, they have vecome more frequent and cause serious harm in our country every year.
Meaning/ definition of cyclone: The term 'cyclone' from the Greek word 'kykols' meaning coil of snakes. The British Indian scientist Henry Paddington coined the  word 'cyclone to represent whiraling storms or a wind blowing in a circular motion of winds. On an average, 80 tropical cyclones are  formed every year all around the globe.
Classification of  cyclones: Cyclones are classified according to their intensity. The following nomenclature is in use this purpose-----
  •  Depression ( winds up to 62km / hr)
  •  Cyclone storm ( winds from 63-88 km/hr)
  • Severe cyclonic storm ( winds from 88-118 km/hr)
  • Severe cyclonic storm of hurricane intensity ( winds above 118 km/hr)
Besides these, cyclone occurring in the tropical region are called tropical cyclones and those occurring elsewhere are called extra tropical cyclones.
Features of cyclones: The most striking feature of a cyclone is its eye. The eye is small. The main core of the cyclone is circular having a diameter which may range form 100 km to 800 km. The whole thing has a spiral structure and looks like a comma. In addition to the waves associated with winds. abrupt surges of water known as storm surges are associated with cyclones.
Cyclone in Bangladesh: Cyclone occur in Bangladesh as a natural hazard. They Bay of  Bengal is and ideal breeding ground for tropical cyclones. Cyclones are usually formed in deep seas. Because of the funnel shaped coast, Bangladesh very often becomes the landing ground of these cyclone. Server cyclones occur mostly during pre-monsoon ( April-may) and post monsoon ( September- December) periods. Only form 1981 to 1985, 174 severe cyclones formed in the Bay of Bengal. This short statistics in enough to show the frequency of cyclone in Bangladesh.
Effects of cyclones and its fury: Cyclone are usually destructive and cause great haboc. There are heavy rains, peals of thunder and flashes of lighting during a cyclone. This terrifc state continues for hours together of even for a whole day.
It sweeps over lall the coastal district and off-shore islands with tremendous speed. Thousands of  human lives are lost and innumerable cattle die. Crop lands are badly damaged. 
Trees are uprooted and countless houses ae razed to the ground. Communication system becomes suspended. The most destructive element of a cyclone is its accompanying surge.
On and average, five severe cyclonic storms hit Bangladesh every year and the accompanying surge can reach about 200 km inland and can be as high as 13m. Besides, after these immediate effects, famine and epidemic break out in the affected areas In a word, the loss caused by cyclones is terrible as well as irreparable.
Some catastrophic cyclone in Bangladesh: Every year, a number of tropical cyclones hit Bangladesh. Among them, the most deadly cyclone were the cyclones of 1970, 1991, cyclone SIDR etc.
The cyclone of 1970: This was one of the most dreadful and deyastating cyclone storm in Bangladesh. It blew over the coastal areas with a wind velocity of about 222 km/hr andcaused death f about 5,00,000 people. The damage of property and crops wher colossal. 
The cyclone of 1991: The deadly cyclone of 1991 had a dimension of more than the size of Bangladesh. The maximum wind speed was 225 km/hr. The loss of property was estimated at about TK. 60 billion and the death toll was estimated at 150,000.
The cyclone Sidr: The cyclone Sadr was the most violent cyclone in the history of Bangladesh. It  hit Bangladesh on 15 November of 2007. The wind velocity was recorded 240 km/hr.With a tidal surge up to 20 feet at some point. 22 coastal districts were mostly affected by this cyclone. Almost 10,000 people were reported dead. In a matter of only a couple of hours, it left a trail of death and destruction of unbelievable proportion.
Cyclone Nargis: On late April, 2008, another terrible cyclone ' Nargis' was formed in the with a wind force of 241 km/hr. Just in ten hours, it transformed Myanmar into wreckage. At least 15,000 people died and irreparable losses occurred. Thus, Bangladesh freed from another nightmare experience.
Protective measures: Being a natural phenomenon , it is not possible to prevent cyclone. We can take some protective measures to lessen the sufferings of the victim. It is well-known that cyclones cause the maximum damage in Bangladesh because of her low flat terrain, high destiny of population and poorly built houses. So, Govt. must undertake some infrastructural  development activities to reduce its devastating effects. They should also take coastal green belt projects for afforestation. More cyclone shelters need to be build. By strengthening the cyclone warning system and adopting protective and relief measures, the damage can be minimized. Finally, we should raise awareness in people to protect out live and properties from the tremendous attack of cyclone.
Conclusion: Cyclone in recent years, have become more frequent because of climatic change over the world. Every year, they cause a huge loss to our country. However, the effects of these may be mitigated with the combined efforts of both the Govt. and the mass people. Above all, we all must love nature and try our level best to keep her pollution free and healthy.

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