Write paragraph dangers of smoking

Write paragraph dangers of smoking 

Write paragraph dangers of smoking
Write paragraph dangers of smoking


It is well-known to all that smoking is one of the worst habits of man. Yet eighty percent of our people are in the habit of smoking. Every limb of human body is undoubtedly affected by smoking. It causes a number of fatal disease like cancer, ulcer, heart attack, chronic bronchitis, gastic pain, irritation of the eyes, offence of the nose and unsettlement of mind. One puff of cigarette smoke bears fifteen billion particles of injurious things like nicotine, methyl alcohol, carbon monoxide, arsenic and so many other acids. Smoking so many  other acids. Smoking is so harmful and hateful that a nonsmoker always tries to avoid the smoker. Smoking decreases the supply of oxytgen in all he parts of human body. It also destroys lungs, nerves, veins, appetite for food, energy and even character. It is not possible to describe the demerits of smoking in writing. All of us in respective of caste, creed, color, religion, class and age should make a social revolution against this destructive and disgraceful habit so that we may have a smoking-free country.

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