composition on Greenhouse effect -

Write a composition on Greenhouse effect 

Write a composition on Greenhouse effect, composition on Greenhouse effect for ssc, jsc, hsc,composition on Greenhouse effect -

Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse effect is a dangerous reactive type of effect that influences our nature violently. Greenhouse effect causes natural imbalance. It is dangerous for living creatures on earth.

The concept of greenhouse effect evolves from the greenhouse which actually means s a glass house built to protect trees from cold air. As these greenhouse are made of glass, they tarp the sunlight and go not let it escape. This trapped sunlight keeps the interior of the house hot for the tree to prepare food. In the atmosphere, a similar thing takes place where carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which are known as the greenhouse gases, cause the greenhouse effect. For various reasons, these two gases are increasing in the air. This increased heat is not only causing an imbalance in our ecology, but also melting the ice of the polar region, as result, raising the sea-level.

There are many causes of greenhouse effects. Deforestation and the burning down of the tropical forests, rapid growth f unplanned industries, overpopulation, pollution, increase in temperature etc. are the causative factors of greenhouse effect.

In these recent years, it has been noticed that the world temperatures are increasing day by day. This increase in global warming is cussed by the increased amount of carbon dioxide gas around the earth. Like the glass houses for the plants in the western cold countries, our atmosphere is guarded by ozone layer which resists the entrance of ultra-violet ray form the sun. If such condition goes on for a long time, the world will be hotter. There will be drought throughout the world. There will be an increase in violent storm. The rivers will over follow their banks causing frequent floods. Greenhouse effects make the climate warm. Parts of our country etc. will go under water of the sea.

To prevent the dangerous effects of greenhouse, necessary steps should be taken immediately. People should not be allowed to cut down trees because tree plays an important role in fighting the green-house effect. Camping for tree plantation should be introduced.

Mills and factories should be set up in a much planned way.

The climate of the world is undergoing a significant change. The temperatures are increasing day by day on account of greenhouse effect. So measures should be taken to prevent such an undesirable situation.

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